Potato printing has always been one of my go-to preschool art activities. There are so many things you can do with some potatoes and paint, and there are also educational benefits of this activity for young children. Here are some of the reasons you should try this activity with kids, as well as some ideas …
Gross & Fine Motor Skills
During the early years, it is important for children to build their fine motor skills. This can be done in simple ways, through a child’s medium of learning – play. Here are some tips for how to improve fine motor skills. What is Fine Motor Skill? Fine motor skill is the ability to control the …
Here is a quick guide to the vestibular system, as well as some fun and simple vestibular activities to try with young children. The Seven Senses The five basic senses of taste, touch, hearing, sight and smell are each related to sense organs that communicate information to the brain. The human body has two other …
We all know about the five basic senses of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing, and that the sensing organs communicate with the brain to share information. But the human body relies on other senses, as well. Proprioceptive sensory input through the muscles and joints is also essential. Let’s take a look at why proprioception …
Why do fine motor skills matter so much in the early years and why should we make developing them a priority? Here are the reasons we encourage babies to explore objects with their little hands and why we should get our toddlers and preschoolers involved in fine motor activities daily. What are Fine Motor Skills? …
Looking for some simple ideas for fine motor activities for your little ones? While you can find many interesting, creative or theme-based activity ideas online, this is a list of the most basic and essential types of fine motor skills activities. They are the kinds of activities that all kids should be doing in early …
There are so many fancy and pricy fine motor skills toys on the market, it can be hard to figure out what you should buy your kids, and what’s actually unnecessary. The truth is that your kids just need to play with the basics to fully develop their fine motor skills. So, what are fine …
Need some fun shaving cream activities to try with your kids at home or in class? Playing with shaving cream is a wonderful sensory activity that has many benefits. Shaving cream can provide a “messy” yet clean play experience! It is also flexible. You can add colour if you like, or offer fragrance-free, scented or menthol …
What are hand-eye coordination skills and how can you develop them in young children? What is Hand-Eye Coordination? Hand-eye coordination is the ability to perform movements with the hands while being guided by the eyes. Also called eye-hand coordination, it is a perceptual-motor skill – a joint effort between the sensory system (sense of sight) …
When it comes to painting with young kids, you are limited only by your imagination in finding different ways to paint and interesting props to paint with. Ball painting for toddlers and preschoolers can be tons of fun and can take many different forms, from rolling ball art to ball stamping. Instead of using paint …
For decades, children have been playing with all types of dough, clay, putty, foam, goop and slime. They are intrigued by these substances that have properties of both solids and liquids. However, the world of “slime” has really taken off in the past several years. Children these days are making slime, buying slime, giving it …
Pasting is a skill that young children learn through practice. One of the best ways to teach it is to provide lots of opportunities to engage in free, child-led process art. Pasting is one of the best fine motor activities. A child must learn to control a glue stick, squeeze a drop out of a …